When it comes to eliminating those tiny insects, which are a nuisance such as mosquitoes and flies, most of us look for the nearest option. However, it might surprise people to find out that not all insect control tools are effective in the same way.
The decision making between a Mosquito Swatter Bat and Traditional Fly Swatters is not very hard to make, but then again, there are some positives and negatives associated with both.
In this post, we are going to discuss the ultimate showdown between today’s mosquito swatter bat and the classic traditional fly swatter, so you know which one will suit the best to your home.
What does a Mosquito Swatter Bat actually refer to?
Mosquito swatter bat is a contemporary tool of this category which is an electric product whereas a normal swatter. This looks like a tennis racket but it has featured an electric grid where-bees and any airborne insect touching it is electrocuted.
This electric bat is very effective and easy to use. It just takes a swing and mosquitoes are gone and is a better solution to insect control as it does not harm the environment.
But to be compared to the all-time favorite traditional fly swatter, how does it perform? Let’s take a closer look.
The Traditional Fly Swatter
Indeed, most of us might be familiar with the more conventional traditional fly swatter; an ordinary plastic or rubber disk hinged to an elongated handle. Many of these insect swatters have been in continued production for many years but are still used for controlling insects.
They operate simply through simulation involving striking a fly or mosquito against a hard surface merely utilizing hands.
Comparatively, traditional fly swatters take a little more effort to use and always leave mess behind after work. Well, how do they fare with the improved version of today’s mosquito swatter bat?
Mosquito Swatter Bat vs. Traditional Fly Swatters: A Quick Comparison
- Ease of Use: It is a mosquito that one doesn’t need to swat with much energy. All you have to do is push a button and that will swing. On the other hand, the conventional fly swatter can only be operated with hand movement, the speed and the dexterity of your hand.
- Effectiveness: The electric bat, for example, kills mosquitoes on the spot, and not just that it can do it when the bat is flying mid-air. The conventional swatter may lack an indentation that most insects need in order to be crushed on flat surfaces.
- Cleanliness: The mosquito swatter bat does not create a mess on the wall or on the furniture, while the traditional swatter has dead mosquitoes which leaves squished remains on the walls or on furniture.
- Portability: Both come in that lightweight nature, but the mosquito swatter bat is more flexible and functional for use both indoors and outside.
Which One Should You Choose?
So, which is better: Mosquito Swatter Bat vs the Traditional Fly Swatters? The answer is mostly dependent on one’s requirements.
If you desire an easy and clean way of handling your mosquitoes and other flying insects, you should go for the Mosquito Swatter Bat. And this is the best way to use the product whether inside of the house or outside in a convenient, portable and sanitary way to those common ways.
Select the Traditional Fly Swatter if you are in need of a simple to use, affordable tool to remove flies but this will be a little time consuming and will also leave behind some residue.
Why the Mosquito Swatter Bat is the Ultimate Contender
Of course, both tools are good, however, the mosquito swatter bat takes the prize having more advantages based on the modern design and the best efficiency and user-friendliness. If using a fly swatter or mosquito one, this electric bat offers quick results as compared to traditional swatters with no need to worry about stains on the wall.
Just picture yourself comfortably sitting in your garden, a mosquito repellent right next to you which can send those disobedient bugs to the other world within one swing. Or think about your inside image where you do not want flies just hovering around but could easily eliminate them without having to mess up your walls.
Comparing and contrasting Mosquito Swatter Bat to Traditional Fly Swatters, the electric swatter bat takes all the accolades as the modern device for mosquitoes and insects’ removal. This is an environment-friendly affair which is also very clean seamless solutions that do make life a bit easier and then some.
Therefore, are you ready to level up your insect fighting system? Whether indoors fighting small mosquitoes or outdoors fighting flies, the mosquito swatter bat still remains a perfect friend.Come to Avenger Mosquito Swatter Bat today and see our mosquito swatter bats and embrace a better, healthier way to repel mosquitoes!